I Still Can't Believe That I Wrote A Weather App

If you would have told me a year ago that I would write a weather app I would have laughed in your face. ...

May 3, 2023 · Me

YOLO (You Only Launch Once)

After doing it wrong multiple times I finally had an app launch I was happy with. ...

April 27, 2023 · Me

My first WWDC accessibility lab

I’ve been so focused all summer on getting Foodlapse ready to be launched on iOS 16 release day that I never wrote about my first WWDC accessibility lab. ...

September 29, 2022 · Me

One year ago I launched an iOS dev blog. I'm glad that I did.

I distinctly remember the feeling of excitement and “What have I done?” when I announced on Twitter that I launched a blog a year ago today. ...

July 13, 2022 · Me

Getting UIKit's UICalendarView from iOS 16 fully functioning in a SwiftUI app

The new UICalendarView added to UIKit in iOS 16 looks great but there’s not a SwiftUI equivalent. Here’s how I got a SwiftUI app to show the calendar based on custom dates and update the calendar when dates change. ...

June 28, 2022 · Me