YOLO (You Only Launch Once)

After doing it wrong multiple times I finally had an app launch I was happy with. ...

April 27, 2023 · Me

Getting UIKit's UICalendarView from iOS 16 fully functioning in a SwiftUI app

The new UICalendarView added to UIKit in iOS 16 looks great but there’s not a SwiftUI equivalent. Here’s how I got a SwiftUI app to show the calendar based on custom dates and update the calendar when dates change. ...

June 28, 2022 · Me

Bucket List Item Checked: My First WWDC

After so many years of anticipation I went to WWDC in person for the first time. ...

June 15, 2022 · Me

I made my second app!!

I’m extremely happy to introduce my second SwiftUI app. I call it Snack Plan and It’s a way for you to track the snacks you’re planning to eat when you visit a theme park. ...

March 6, 2022 · Me

Swift computed properties can be tuples

Did you know that in Swift a computed property can be a tuple? I sure didn’t. ...

January 9, 2022 · Me