Using AppStorage with complex objects and SwiftUI Pickers

I recently encountered a situation with SwiftUI Pickers that I thought would make an interesting blog post. I’m going to walk through what I encountered and how I handled it. ...

January 2, 2022 · Me

Building a SwiftUI Emoji picker part 2

Adding accessibility improvements to the emoji picker. ...

November 20, 2021 · Me

Adventures in Internationalization and localization with SwiftUI

Adding support for Dutch in my SwiftUI app was way more challenging than I expected. ...

October 20, 2021 · Me

Vim, awk, and iOS translation files

Using some of my favorite tools to create translation files for my SwiftUI app. ...

September 30, 2021 · Me

Working with DisclosureGroup in SwiftUI for iOS 15

New tools available to us with iOS 15 can be used to enhance DisclosureGroups. ...

September 25, 2021 · Me